You’ll spend a total of 26 years Sleeping😱😱 in a lifetime!! And other facts.….
Everybody living today was once a neonate, the cycle continues until you arrive at the sunset or the scary term that most people fear(death). It's inevitable and once you are alive it is a must one day you will face it. As the famous quote says “Waking up every day is a day closer to your death."
According to a statistic by, in 2022 the average global life expectancy was 72.98 years (26,656 days). This number varied, with places like San Marino and Monaco expected 89 years and Lesotho expected 54 years
In this article, I’m going to dissect how an average person is most likely to spend 72.98 years (26,656 days) over their entire lifetime. Hang around and be ready for the surprises because some facts are going to sound unbelievable. Read on! 📖
1. How long are you likely to spend sleeping?🤔
According to, an average person is likely to spend ⅓ of the entire lifetime in bed sleeping or trying to sleep. That means that a total of 26 years or 8,885.31 days will end in the bedroom. This number doesn’t count for time spent dozing on office desk or maybe classroom.
2. How long are you likely to spend Eating?🤔
Another important activity that keeps us alive. The research indicates that one is likely to spend a total of 4 years and 6 months eating and drinking. Does it sound real, anyway if you’re a foodius person you must be coiling your fist to dispute this. But I’ll reply politely that yours is a special case.
3. How long are you likely to spend working. 🤔
As the Bible says in 2 Thessalonian 3:10 “If a man will not work, he shall not eat." It is very clear that working is a must in our life and we don't have any excuses for this.
Between the ages of 20- 64 most people are likely to enter the job market either formal or informal. This is the age where we are very productive in our lives. On average, you’re likely to spend a total of 13 years at work of which four months is working overtime.
4. How long are you likely to spend having sex? 🤔
A global survey done on 9000 persons suggested that we are likely to spend a total of 117 days in entire lifetime having sex. Men spend around 9 hrs in the state of bliss while women spend around 1 hour in the same state. At least now you know why men are usually expected to spend to enjoy this act. 😛
5. How long are you likely to spend Laughing and crying
Human beings are among the most emotional creatures maybe after the Elephants. In expressing our emotions through crying and Laughing, we are likely to spend around 8 months laughing, a total of 30 hrs crying and also 5 weeks arguing in entire lifetime.
6. How long are you likely to spend in the bathroom.
The average bathing time varies between men and women. However, the study shows we are likely to spend a total of 813.3 days, which is more than two years in the Bathroom. This time is shared among the activities such as drying, brushing teeth and cleaning the bathroom.
Try to estimate yourself and see whether this study realigns with your bathroom habits.
7. How long are you likely to spend Shopping.
Most grocery shoppings is usually done by women but men too normally do some shopping involving items like electronic gadgets and clothes. On average, a person is likely to spend a total of 8.5 years doing retail shopping.
8. How long are you likely to spend a in a barber shop or hair salon.
According to British survey firm Tresemme women are likely to spend a total of 8 months of their lives on their hair while men are likely to spend more than 4 months in barber shops doing their haircut.
9. How long are you likely to spend Ogling(for men).
You’re relaxing somewhere then a beautiful lady passes by. As per most men, you know what they are likely to do. research suggests that men with this habit are likely to spend a total of 11 months ogling, in a day they are likely to gaze at 10 women. Averagely, they are likely to spend a total of 43 mins admiring them.
10. How long are you likely to spend on a traffic.
During rush hours you know how the traffic bustles along Thika Road and other busy highways in Nairobi. I presume this is also common with other cities of the world. On averagely one is likely to spend a total of 8 months on traffic according to the report of Global Travel Media.
11. How long are you likely to spend on Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube have become huge consumers of our time. On a daily basis we open these apps multiple times whether we like it or not. On average, according to BroadbandSearch.Net, we are likely to spend a total of 5 years and 4 months on social media. More than the time we spend eating. This time is also enough to fly to the moon and back 32 times.
Other activities that consumes a lot of time includes; Exercises, meetings, waiting in lines, smoking, being on hangover, listening to music and commuting.
Thank you for reading this funny and informing blog post. The statistics are prone to errors as many decimals have been neglected they also changes with time. But the post gives a mere approximation of the amount of time we are likely to spend engaging in our daily activities. Sources of all these information have been cited within the article.
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