The universe is governed by certain laws confined within our beliefs. Deriving and understand the meaning of lives and our world call for understanding and abiding of these laws. In this article, I’m going to share with you the 12 Laws of the Universe. Read up to the last part to get the information.
1. The law of Divine Oneness
It states that; the whole universe is interconnected. Nothing lives on its own little bubble. Everything and everyone actions has impact on themselves and to the whole world in general.
2. The law of vibration
Everything in the Universe is vibrating. Everything in this Universe carries with it a vibration that is unique to itself and carries constant movement and energy with it. At the level of particles everything is vibrating therefore high vibrating particles are attracted to other high vibrating particles while lower vibrating particles are attracted to lower vibrating particles.
3. The law of correspondence.
It states that your outer world will only reflect your inner world. Everything is a reflection. In order to change something on the outside, we must first change it on the inside. We will never be able to force anything or make massive shifts by physically trying to change
something. We must first change our perception and perspective of it to
see it differently. Once we see it differently, we can begin to view it from a more empowering place.
4. Law of attraction.
It states that positive thoughts attract positive experiences and negative thoughts attract negative experiences. The type of energy you put into something reveals the outcome.
5. Law of inspired action
It states that for you to achieve your dreams and goals, you must take real, actionable, inspired steps In this world.
6. Law of perpetual transmutation of energy.
It states that everything is constantly moving, transmuting, or transferring, and it is always in motion. This continuous metamorphosis never stops; Everything is always changing and nothing stays constant in the universe.
7. Law of Cause and effect.
It also known as law of Karma.
It states that for every cause there must be an effect. Everything we may experience(effect) are results of our personal actions(cause). For us to improve our experiences we must ensure we alter our actions.
8. Law of compensation.
It stati that you will always be compensated for your efforts and for your contribution, whatever it is, however much or however little.
9. Law of relativity.
It states that every person will experience challenges as an opportunity for growth, to strengthen our characters.
10. The law of Polarity.
This law kinda coincide with the double entry rule of accounting. For actions done in the debit site must be done in the credit side to balance of books of accounts. It therefore states that everything has two “poles”: good and evil, love and hate, attraction and disconnection. In the universe they two must coexist we should live Prepared for them.
11. The law of Rhythm.
Everything that goes one way must come back the opposite way, and then the process repeats itself endlessly.
12. Law of Giving and Receiving.
It states that everything in the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Every relationship is one of give and take because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. If we stop the flow of energy, we interfere with nature’s intelligence. We must give and receive in order to keep money, or anything we want. To get that true love you must be ready to give true love and the process continues.
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